Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Extra, Extra! Read all about it...

News travels fast
Especially ...

Today we released the news of our pregnancy to our family and friends. It was wonderful to finally share the special news with those we love. 

Speculate no more...The rumors are absolutely true...

Yes, we're Pregnant!:)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Babymoon Cruise

Ahhh...The relaxing breezes, beautiful aqua-blue water, and warm sunshine of the Caribbean.

What better transition than a Caribbean Cruise to mark the milestone 
of our beginning the second trimester?

We boarded a plane bound for Puerto Rico and then after a relaxing overnight on the island we set sail aboard a cruise headed for the beautiful Southern Caribbean.

We laughed, smiled, and relaxed our way into "Babymoon" bliss.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Surprise we're having a Baby!

Who knew telling your Parents that you're pregnant with your first child 
would be rife with such anxiety. The Plan - share the news over an early Mother's Day Dinner. 

Well, we took a deep breath, a bite to eat, and exchanged Mother's Day cards with the surprise news included inside..

 After the initial shock of disbelief our news was received with smiles and warm embrace. We are  blessed to have wonderful parents like ours.

We love you guys, and to our Moms a special Happy Mothers Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sweet Music...

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a heartbeat, and what a boisterous heartbeat it is...

(Heartbeat at 11 weeks 6 days Gestation)

Wow, what a beautiful and amazing experience...

Today was our first prenatal visit at Labor of Love. 
We filled out paper work, signed on the dotted line, provided blood for labs, and reviewed our questions/plans with the Midwife. 

Yet, all of this paled in comparison to the beautiful heartbeat of our maturing embryo => fetus transitioning in the final week of the first trimester.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Birthing Center...

So, after much thought and prayer we've decided to employ the services of a birthing center for a more intimate and natural birthing experience. 

The birthing center we have chosen is Labor of Love Birth Center. 

The first visit was great - it included a tour of the facility, review of procedures, and finished with an introduction to the staff. Afterwards, we walked away feeling well informed and like special parents-to-be. 

We look forward to learning from and delivering with the center's knowledgeable, personable, and patient Midwives. 

2 Thumbs Up - for Labor of Love.